Expedition Support

November 25th 2016 – TET Lecture Evening, at the Royal Geographical Society, details to be confirmed

Current Grant Winners

  • Sarah Outen’s expedition London to London via the World. After setting out from London on 1st April 2011, Sarah has been kayaking, rowing and cycling her way around the world   Although a solo expedition, this is to be a shared adventure – bringing the expedition to classrooms, offices and homes right around the world.
  • In October 2016 Olly Hicks intends to complete his original goal and will set out from Tasmania to row solo around the world. Follow his preparations and epic journey here at www.globalrow.com

Previous Grant Winners: –

  • 5000 Mile Project – Katharine and David Lowrie completed an epic expedition to run the length of South America in a year for the continent’s wild lands and wildlife. They ran without support, whilst pulling a trailer they made from recycled materials.  As well as running, the 5000mileproject helped to connect people from around the world to South America’s precious remaining wildernesses, to illustrate how daily choices affect these areas and how with small steps everyone can conserve them. They have created the “Big Toe Classroom”, which is full of information on the continent and provides a real-life expedition for schools in the UK and around the world to get involved in. In between arduous running sessions, they present to schools in South America about the project, the local habitats and importance of functioning ecosystems. They also carry out a daily bird census and collect data on the wildlife and habitats they pass, reporting their findings to local and international conservationists.
  • Huautla Expedition  – In 2012, Chris Jewell and his team of Cavers and Cave Divers began a two year project to explore further than anyone has before in the Huautla Cave System in Mexico.  Using state of the art technology the team spent many weeks underground, diving through flooded cave passages, camping in the dry passage beyond and exploring the unknown cave. An expedition like this is a fantastic example of ingenuity, perseverance, determination, team-work and triumph over physical elements.
  • Kaspersky One Trans-Antarctic Expedition – Felicity Aston embarked on a 1700km, 70-day ski in order to become the first woman in the world to cross Antarctica alone. By completing the journey Felicity also became the first British woman to traverse Antarctica. Felicity set out from her start point on the Ronne Ice Shelf on 12th November 2011 and arrived on the Ross Ice Shelf (via the Pole) on 31st January 2012. Follow her story here
  • Stewart McPherson’s project, Conservation in Britain’s most remote Overseas Territories, aims to raise public awareness of Britain’s Overseas Territories (initially Montserrat, Ascension Island, Saint Helena, Tristan da Cunha and the Falkland Islands) and through detailed investigations, provide management solutions for the unique conservation challenges they face today. The findings of this research have identified conservation priorities and common strategies for local governing bodies to help secure a sustainable future.
  • The Trans-Papua Expedition went to explore the historic inter-tribal trade connection between the Papuan interior and its coastlines. In the first complete crossing of Papua’s width – from the River Noordoost to the mighty Mamberamo River – the 2 man team travelled on-foot and by kayak. They will map and uncover the sources of the island’s greatest rivers and answer one of Papua’s enduring mysteries: How, long before European exploration, did Papuan products make it out of the highland interior to mainland Asia?
  • The Derewo Descent – a kayaking expedition with a primary aim of exploring previously unvisited upland gorges of Papua’s remote river system. The 3 man team descended the rivers in an expedition that tested both physical skill and determination while encountering new landscapes and people.
  • The Wild Camel Protection Foundation for survey of the critically endangered Bactrian Camel and their 2011 expedition to the Taklamakan Desert, Xinjiang Province, China. John Hare and Chinese scientists went in search of these elusive animals which were previously not known to exist in this region.
  • University of Edinburgh Altitude Research Expedition  to Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, for studies into the incidence and mechanisms of altitude sickness.
  • Adrian McCallum,Tristam Kaye and Hugh Bowring for their parts in assisting in the organisation and operations of The Coldest Journey, the first attempt at crossing the Antarctic continent during the southern winter.
  • Endure Greenland Crossing – Ben Thackwray and Ian Couch’s attempt at a record-breaking ultra-lightweight crossing of Greenland on skis.
  • Walking The Amazon Ed Stafford’s remarkable 2 year expedition to walk from the Peruvian Pacific coast, over the Andes and along a tributary to the Amazon estuary and the Atlantic coast.
  • The  University of Brighton (UoB) Spiny Forest Research Expedition to the Forest of St. Augustin in South Western Madagascar where expedition members collected comprehensive ecological data and undertook botanical, antifaunal and Ring Tailed Lemur surveys

The Scientific Exploration Society for a biodiversity research expedition in Ethopia to the Beschillo and Blue Nile gorges which included the first descent of the Beschillo River.